Friday, June 29, 2007


People are funny.... really funny.... they get SO sentimental about things... you know... take things personally and stuff....
Check out this link... it's some reviews about the movie that got released last month or so I think... Cheeni Kum... (less sugar... I should like it... I like less sugar... ;-) )... check out the reviews... people seem SO let down by the movie.. i almost pity them... i would more if i could stop laughing...

I dont know how the movie is... I haven't seen it yet... Wasn't even planning to.. But after reading this.. I guess it's atleast worth a download... ;-)

Have a great weekend!!


I HATE music

I hate the power that it has over me. I hate the way it controls my display of emotions. Things that I would generally digest, music expels out of my system like an emetic.

If I listen to music when I'm happy, I get this unstoppable urge to sing loudly and dance. And I cant sit straight in the office anymore. If I listen to music when I'm sad or feeling lonely, I get depressed. I think of all things that make me sad and then I cry. And I refuse to see the happiness that I might have around me.

People who claim that music brings them up when they are down, makes them feel good when they are sad and so on, are either fooling themselves or maybe not listening to the right kind of music. Because when you do, it just intensifies your emotions. Or let me speak for myself. It does that to me. It exposes me to what I'm really thinking even when I am capable of hiding it from my own self. So I keep listening to music as one of those really intimate activities that I don't share with everyone. To me, it is one of the most harmful addictions that I could get into. Though I do claim to hate it, I wouldn't dare to dream of a life without music.

To whoever recognized the first notes and identified them as music, go to hell!! And then listen to music. I hope it makes you feel better...


Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Cuidado... A Reprise....

Just realized a couple of days back... that this dude on the Wet Floor sign... the one in yellow... reminds me of Yossarian.... (of the Catch 22 fame.. )

Was telling a friend about it... and he disagreed.. so I thought I'd put it up for general public comments!!! :D

This pic btw... is from the Empire State Building... I don't know... but I just had to take it... ;-)


Saturday, June 02, 2007

Playing Cinderella..

This is my 3rd weekend here... and the 1st that I'm actually spending in good (??) ol' Stamford... and with nothing to do and nowhere to go it becomes a lil tough to spend time. And there's just this much that you can watch TV or surf the net looking for absolutely nothing. And in a country like US which has 4 time zones, you gotta check your watch before you call friends in other zones.. (esp those in opposite coasts) So... what did I do?
Went to Macy's. God bless that store!! I just went around the store trying dresses I had no intention of buying or couldn't afford even if I wanted to buy!!! Man... I must have tried some of the prettiest things I've ever worn in my life. Way out of my budget. But so wonderful that I actually thought of saving until I can afford them. Sigh.... I wish I could have taken a snap in all of those beautiful dresses. Don't think I can go again tomorrow... will probably try some other store... ;-)
Anyway.. until the next "trial" comes along.... hmmm... sweet dreams, princess!!


Friday, June 01, 2007


I just changed my blog layout and THAT's when i noticed.... Only 3 blogs this year???? Damn!!!
