Monday, July 06, 2015

The Magic Book!

Long ago I had read this book - Illusions, by Richard Bach. While the book itself is themed like The Matrix trilogy - pointing out the illusory nature of the world we live in and performing miracles that would defy the laws of physics (remember the spoon?), that is somehow not what stayed with me. What I loved most, was the Messiah's handbook, which didn't have any page numbers and would give you the answer that you were in need of most whenever you opened it. Just like magic! And it doesn't stop there. The character goes on to explain that it can be done with any book.

I have come to realize that this concept can be extended to just about anything. Answers can be found anywhere. Books. Paintings. Songs. (They're even "blowin' in the wind", if you believe Bob Dylan!)

But coming back to me and this particular case - I got mine in this Word Porn link that came in my Facebook feed. Despite all my contempt for it, FB was bound to get something right.

In a couple of weeks, I will have more time than I have ever had in the last 12 years. As exciting and romantic the prospect of pre-planned joblessness may sound, it is also scary. There's a constant doubt questioning the decision. And even a fear of freedom. So I'm gathering with both hands, all the signs that give me any sense of hope.

Right now it is these 10 tips. I mean if you can't trust a writer like JRR Tolkein, whom can you trust, really?

Looking forward to getting lost. And looking and finding something.

Love, luck and hope. And faith. And a cheer and a song.



~S said...

"Continue looking, you will find something" -J R R Tolkiens. Just so true!!

Alexandr Guselnikov said...
