Sunday, May 29, 2016

The Truant

Drawn towards the silence,
away from the noise -
both familiar and strange
And that creepy human voice
Some days are like that, I guess.

Days that go wrong without a reason.
Or good for that matter.
And you're left looking for logic,
Though you know it's just plain chatter.
Some days feel like that, I guess.

Feelings that run wild
All over your spectrum of emotions.
With, without, nowhere in between;
Sweetness and sadness in crazy proportions.
Some days seem that like that, I guess.

Things that seem one way
But may be completely different, altogether.
Like people interchanging roles -
Friend, foe, mother, father, brother.
Some people are like that, I guess.


vanijoshi said...

Is it like today..?

Anonymous said...

For people to misunderstand
and believe they're right.
An excuse so (un)real
to withdraw outright.
To disappear forever..
..forever from sight
Yes, some people are like that, I guess.

To not look back or
give a second chance
To presume and prevail
with a rigid stance
To forget and forget
and assume no loss
Yes, some people are like that, I guess.

Still, when words fail
and people do too.
The mirror stares
at a defeated you.
There's more to it
than meets the eye.
For, mirrors tell
the sweetest lies.
Look-out for the sun
that soaks in white
Every evening...
and through the night
Then rises again..
..with glory afresh
Some days should be like that, I guess.

Take care K.