Friday, February 25, 2005

So what's the point?

Wat’s this world coming to???
People don’t realize the importance of having a good cup of coffee… I ask for filter coffee… it has more sugar than coffee in it…
Now if anyone wants something sweet… he’ll get himself a chocolate… or a candy… or maybe just some plain sugar… coffee does not have to be oh-so-sweet…
And me… I’m addicted to caffeine… not sugar… I ask the guy to put a little less sugar in my coffee… the dude gives me coffee without sugar…
These are times when I reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeally really miss my dad…. The best coffee maker in the whole world… (where's my DD ... she'll second me on this... ;) )
Cheers to Dad… (on a cup of coffee… and no… no Bottoms Up!!!)

So what’s the point? Oh don’t bother… and if you DO get it… well then.. still.. no points…



Anonymous said...

very dorkiotic... i say learn the language...

Anonymous said...

very dorkiotic... i say learn the language...

Anonymous said...

Aprt from the blog....the best part was the anonymous comment "Very dokiotic" it said.... now I would say I have a fair grasp of the spoken word... especially when its in English.... and here I was scratching my head... going "Hmmm.... not a word I have heard before"... "Learn the language" he/she(no gender discrimination) says.... I say "Get your vocab checked at the local drugstore, AHole"... neways... moving on.... now for the critic (literary or otherwise) in me to rises.... first ... there is something extremely wierd about a conversation between a coffee maker and an IT Professional(hehe)... I think the following link may come in handy ... no really... you dont have to thank me....
Moving on... secondly... general comment on all posts (at the expense of sounding draconian)... "You are pronounced guily of WUI ..Writing Under Influence".... again... at the risk of sounding draconian.... forget it.. I like this word though DRACONIAN... DRACONIANNNNN.... ... DRRRRACOOONIAN....

PS: I failed the afore mentioned test.... hehe

PSS: Actually i was bored of being a literary critic... I like the role of the insane-IT-professional-near-breakdown better!!