Life… is just another waste of time.
Roger Waters had the right idea, I think. Imagine what all you could do with all this time if you didn’t have to “live”. There’s so much to learn, so much to explore, to discover. Imagine the bliss if you could at any point in time, just pack your bags and set out to… wherever… whenever. Want to make it simpler? Forget the bag. Learn from the birds… fly light. And just fly. The world has more to show and teach than what we could “learn” in a lifetime. Yet we keep chasing the conventions of the institutions that we’ve created ourselves in our pursuit of what we think is knowledge. What makes us think that we know all that there is to know? Rather.. that we can provide ourselves with all that we’ll ever need to learn. Ultimately what we end up doing is making the most and/or the best of what we’ve gathered. Which is good.. in a way. But then, take another look at it. Aren’t we somehow… somewhere… consciously or unconsciously blinding ourselves to the plethora of things that we could discover only if we cared to look?
Learn… for what? Discover… for what? Good questions. Practical ones I must admit. A man gotta eat too. And breed.. and feed… and… what was that… live. Maybe you could go that way. And let all this beauty in the world go unnoticed. Or maybe… almost so. You do keep catching glimpses of it on the television… on mails… on posters… and calendars… and so on and so forth. Funny… and ironical that our view of real life is out there… (or rather.. in there) in mere… lifeless… things. But then, if such a constricted.. second hand view can fill us up with so much joy… imagine what is actually contained in the world outside. Waiting for us. If only we weren’t so busy with our lives.
Ps: I wish Pandora had left alone that box of troubles. Unnecessary little things. Keep you away from so much more.
well i'm posting this view of mine as "anonymous" because i've forgotten my frikking username and password ! so for all my fans who've read my others comments, i hope you recognise me from my style ;). well this last post, got me thinking. hmmmm .. started thinking of a lot of things. and ended up in a lot of questions .. why ? that was the primary question .. why do we accept everything the way they are ? hmmm .. i wonder ! reminded me of the scene in Matrix when morpheus talks about the matrix to neo .. kind of the same things went through mind .. what if all this wasn't really real .. what is real ? even more .. why is it real ? hmmm .. ok .. i need to remember that this isn't my blogsite .. so i gotta keep the comments short and sweet .. ;) .. so i'll do that .. adios for now .. will add more when more people reply to the post .. buwahaha ! (that is a new kind of laughter where first "ha" should be given more emphasis .. as in "buwa-HA-ha" .. in case one doesn't understand how to pronounce this trademark laughter, kindly leave your mail id on this blogsite .. and i'll send you a small recording of this laughter .. so there won't be any more confusion .. ) . hope everyone's happy .. :) have a great day ! :))
Oh wow! you have just struck the right note....World outside!...Kudos for this first and foremost.
Well to make it very simple...catch hold of the person who said WYSIWYG(What you see is what you get)...Eh...the most beautiful of things in life are seen when those inzy winzy eyes are resting.This is the power to light.May not be SRK's dreams unlimited but even this idream production has so much life to live in it. Apart from this fairy tale, there are small things which we overlook in life....the little joys of life.
Joy of eating the fav food which someone has got packed from home, having just the right coffee, washin utensils, clothes etc and feeling proud of doing it for and by oneself.
But then all the little joys have to be felt.Something on the lines that if u keep yourself in a taut position, u will never have the joy of tickle.
And now comes the little master, knowledge. For me it is the perception of fact. No 2 minds think alike. So what i know is what no one knows. Simple.
Ever wondered why does someone strive to achieve which none has achieved earlier. Why is that the buggers spend their whole damn life just to find something extra out of this world. All the inventions, discoveries happening around has some inner feel, Maybe if the feel was not there, one would not know that there is an outside world...a world to be explored....
But then getting that something extra out of this world one has to feel the pain...To do something which would bring a smile, which would please the other. Pain one feels for the other. Pain which one takes for the other. ..and so on. Can be defined in one word, love.
So knowledge is nothin but love, Love to give that extra, do that extra...for the ones you love. Anyways as mentioned before knowledge is one's perception of fact...maybe an odd perception by me does not harms the cruel diff between life,knowledge and love for me.Just would sign off with the note that life/knowledge/love outside is waiting for us, just that we need to realize the same and buy the Alto(Go for it).Ahem!
glad that i stumbled upon here~
will come for more.
stay tuned. live long.
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