Thursday, July 12, 2007

Vanity is me.....

I've noticed this quite often now. Whenever I post a blog which (I think) is good... I don't post another one until quite some time... Maybe I'm waiting for people to read it and comment on it... or I want that post to be the first one that I read whenever I visit the page myself.... I don't quite know yet..

But well... that's how it is....

And ya... my new name is Modesty Blaise .... ;-)

Have a wonderful weekend!! It's just 2 days away... :D



vanijoshi said...

Virtue would not go to such lengths if vanity did not keep her company. ~François de la Rochefoucauld

In heaven I yearn for knowledge, account all else inanity;
On earth I confess an itch for the praise of fools - that's vanity.
~Robert Browning

Vanity is so secure in the heart of man that everyone wants to be admired: even I who write this, and you who read this. ~Blaise Pascal

There are no grades of vanity, there are only grades of ability in concealing it. ~Mark Twain, Notebook, 1898 .. to this one i'd add.. and degrees of boldness in accepting it.. power to you my dearest!!! *:D

Kalindi said...

yaar DD... u're the best!!

Anonymous said...

Mellita, domi adsum!

ammu said...

You know...i'm just like that !!!

Blog Vanity rules

Kalindi said...

Mr. MMS.... an english translation would have helped.. even Google translator wasn't useful in this one...
Amrita... that makes you my partner in crime... cya in jail sometime.. ;)